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приезд английского друга (help for haluk)

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  • #16
    thanks for the replies... at the moment I'm staying at Hotel Complex oktjabrsky. There is a good secure car park for my fireblade. And I am spolied with the VIP sort of treatment at the hotel :) AND I am the neighbour of the president for short time :d I was very lucky that I met with a russian biker riding from Brest to Minsk yesterday. He introduced himself as Crocodile :d ( I think I need a nick name in Belarus because everyone got one? ) very nice person riding a big big big big machine with loud speakers. He helped me to find my way to hotel as well.

    I don't know the square that you mention I am afraid... Whereabouts you are riding ? Any chance that you will be passing by here... Actually riding is not very important now.. I have already got 1400 miles and another 1400 miles is waiting for me... I would be even fancy for tea or coffee if anyone is in the center....

    For the phone, my UK mobile phone is useless in BY but I can use public phones.. Still have communication with the world... It is really nice to have an internet cafe next to my hotel...

    I want to tell you guys WHAT A BEAUTIFUL CITY YOU GOT!


    • #17
      sergei! thank you.. I am gonna call you


      • #18
        Haluk, good idea about coffee ))
        Please, write adress of your Hotel - I can't understand there is it.

        UPD: We find your hotel ))


        • #19
          Люка встретили и сопроводили по всем местам.
          соме фотоз

          сбор в 10 утра на маке

          в лагойске

          дарим парню майку за саме далекое путешествие от нашего клуба

          поехали в аэропорт, показать нашу самую быструю трассу

          меряем максимум спид

          RacingClan MotorSport: спортбайки, авто-мото-гонки, мото-разборка в Минске, мото-школа
          +375 29 777-8-666
          +375 25 777-8-666


          • #20
            У него за эти 2300 км все разболталось пипец.......часа 3 крутили с Димычем ему моц.......Заменили свечи....выставили холостые....вычистили воздушник....Но самое смешное это как ему в Польше натянули цепь......Натянули как струну на моце без нагрузки.......когда он садился аж все хрустело....но дальше больше...они ему колесо не зажали....димыч чуть ли не рукой открутил гайку........
            Ну вроде как все исправили.....будем надеятся доедет нормально


            • #21
              Сообщение от Siniva Посмотреть сообщение
              У него за эти 2300 км все разболталось пипец.......часа 3 крутили с Димычем ему моц.......Заменили свечи....выставили холостые....вычистили воздушник....Но самое смешное это как ему в Польше натянули цепь......Натянули как струну на моце без нагрузки.......когда он садился аж все хрустело....но дальше больше...они ему колесо не зажали....димыч чуть ли не рукой открутил гайку........
              Ну вроде как все исправили.....будем надеятся доедет нормально
              Да ладно тебе (крутили). Я приехал когда ты уже почти все сам починил.:pivo:


              • #22
                Сообщение от Димыч Посмотреть сообщение
                Да ладно тебе (крутили). Я приехал когда ты уже почти все сам починил.:pivo:
                оо, так если Димыч с голдой не успеет то мона к Синему моц везти ремонтировацо? :ups:

                Так вы хоть его фотку покажите, интересно ж!


                • #23
                  кого фотку? энглишмена? дык он там с камерой на фото и на сцене
                  RacingClan MotorSport: спортбайки, авто-мото-гонки, мото-разборка в Минске, мото-школа
                  +375 29 777-8-666
                  +375 25 777-8-666


                  • #24
                    First thing is first, I am back home with my bike without having a single problem. You guys are fantastic! In Minsk, I had never felt that I was 1400 miles away from my home. But now, I know that we are 1400 miles apart and another ride with Racing Clan is not so easy

                    Sergei, (and Dima) thanks for your mechanical help. Unfortunately the bike shop in Poznan did something very wrong and bad for my chain and I am glad that you guys corrected it. After that, I haven't had any problem with the chain and the automatic oiler done the lubing. Thank you for the sticker Sela-Dela :d I will keep on the machine (Just in case:d )

                    Pitbull (Dima) Mr.Muscle! you were very helpfull. I am really happy that I had a chance to ride with the group and the max speed test ride was something very new for me. Dima, KBAC is a superb drink, before leaving the border I tried to buy it at a petrol station near Brest but they said they don't sell KBAC and offered Coca-Cola and they were very suprised that a tourist is asking for KBAC :d

                    Dima2, Dima3, Sasha1, Sasha2, Pasha and Oleg? and Andrei(Robocop) and all the others who was with me during the day! that's very nice to meet with you guys! Please remember you have got a friend in UK whenever you come here please let me know...

                    I have got some photos and I am planing to make some small clips from the videos that I recorded. All photos and films will be here soon. Keep watching this topic...

                    bolsheye spacibo !


                    • #25
                      ok here is the route


                      • #26
                        Haluk, you are welcome!)
                        RacingClan MotorSport: спортбайки, авто-мото-гонки, мото-разборка в Минске, мото-школа
                        +375 29 777-8-666
                        +375 25 777-8-666


                        • #27
                          Haluk, we were glad to get acquainted! We still time express the respect for your boldness on such distant trip to loneliness. Can sometime we shall meet and at you on the native land. Success and up to a meeting. Дима Pitbull
                          Никому нельзя верить-мне можно!


                          • #28
                            Dima! I did nothing but ride my bike. If I meet with people like you guys I would even ride to Vladivostok!

                            How I started at home, bye bye 4x4

                            Eto Minck!

                            Mc Racing Clan

                            Lets Parade!

                            Oleg? Dima Dima Dima Sacha Devuska? Sacha Julia (taking the picture) me and Pasha.... Easy? :)

                            I love this momument and the flame

                            Err.. May be.. I test your bike? Of course Dima! Test my bike please :d 265 km/h woow

                            Ai-92 is the best for my bike... :)

                            Brest? or Breyest? Still don't know

                            The last stop


                            • #29
                              and the video



                              • #30
                                Haluk, excellent photos and video! Well done
                                Никому нельзя верить-мне можно!

